Whole House Remodeling is one of the most potentially stressful projects in the home that you and your family will undertake. Preparing yourself and everyone in the household for what’s ahead and understanding what you can potentially expect can help you reduce stress. Luckily, we have a few tips and strategies on how to prepare for a home remodeling project. These tips can assist you in renovating your home in an orderly and hassle-free way,minimizing the amount of inconvenience and stress you’ll undergo. You will be glad you took some time to map out a plan during this time before you start breaking ground. That way, you can stay focused on the big picture: a beautiful new kitchen, bathroom, or living space that you love!


How to Prepare for a Home Remodeling Project: Five Tips

Gather All the Information You Can

Before any big decision, it’s imperative that you do your research for what you want to do and who you’re looking to work with during the process. Knowing where to start, how much it will cost, and how long the project will take can help you reduce stress during home renovations. Another way to reduce stress during home renovations is to understand exactly what steps your unique home project entails. Ask your contractor for a rough timeline of what will happen in chronological order. Of course, unexpected circumstances might change the flow or timeline, but it would give you some peace of mind to know the phases of the project.

Re-Organize your Space

One of the most common problems people have about cohabitation during renovations is living with less room than usual. The best way to solve this problem is to prepare alternative locations before the start of your project. If you are remodeling a bathroom or kitchen, your family may need to find other ways to brew coffee before work or get ready before school. Have a game plan for your remodel so you aren’t stuck trying to juggle a renovation on top of your normal routine!

Schedule Regular Cleanings

Materials will be present during a home remodel. The house gets dusty as well, no matter what. You may want to schedule a regular weekly cleaning session around your area to keep it tidy during the remodel. This will help to reduce stress and keep things organized.

 Get Away for a Few Days

You don’t have to spend all of your vacation time, but setting aside a budget for a few hours or days can be a great time to reconnect with your family if you want to slow down a bit and get away. You can enjoy some time in a different setting and give yourself some space and care. 

 Ask Questions

Your designers, contractors, and other professionals you choose to work with should prioritize an open line of communication and collaboration with you during your project. Do not be afraid to ask questions along the way! You should know the ins and outs of what’s happening to your home during the remodel. Having an ear in the conversation can help you understand what’s going on and identify what the plan of action is, should anything go awry.

We Are Here

Are you ready to get your remodeling project started? Gordon Reese Design Build can guide you through your home renovation project every step of the way, and we will do all we can to meet your needs. It’s easy to book a call with a team member here to discuss how to prepare for a home remodeling project, or call us at (925) 885-3770. Don’t wait, ask us about how you can kickstart your dream space today!