Once your remodel is underway, your contractor will be hard at work creating a beautiful reality from the dreams you have for your space. However, the actual process of remodeling may feel far from beautiful – with the noise, movement, dust, and decisions that come along with your house being turned into a construction site. But with the right expectations and smooth management of your remodel you can actually enjoy the process of seeing your space slowly come to life. Here we take a closer look at what to expect while your remodel is underway, and what you can do to make the process more efficient and enjoyable.

Be Prepared

There’s no denying that home remodels can be a stressful process. The level of disruption to your usual routine will be affected by the number of rooms in your home you are working on at once, and to what degree you are transforming the space. That being said, with a little preparation and effective communication with your contractor, you can make the process as smooth as possible.

It can be useful to discuss the remodel and understand what areas of your house you may not have access to at certain times and plan accordingly. For example, if you are undertaking kitchen remodeling, it’s important to ask your contractor if you will still be able to cook at home, or if there is a certain amount of time during the remodel you will need to cook elsewhere. If you are completing a bathroom remodeling project, you will want to ensure you have a second bathroom to use, or you may have to move out for a short period while the bathroom is being finished. Talking to your contractor and being prepared for what’s ahead can help to ease the stress of a remodel.

Change Orders

If something about your remodel needs to be changed once the remodel has begun, you will need to ensure a change order is completed, and signed by both you and the remodeling contractor. The change order will detail the changes to the original plan that you or the contractor have requested, along with added or reduced cost. Change orders can also be used to resolve allowances that you have for particular items as well.

Both you and the contractor should keep a copy of all change orders, as they are an important part of the paperwork that you need to retain in the process of a remodel

Remodel Realities

It’s a simple fact that dust, noise, and unexpected surprises are all part of a remodel. If you are considering living in your home during the remodel, it’s important to talk about the process of the remodel in detail and see whether this is the right choice for you. Dust from the remodel can drift throughout the house, noise from construction tools may also travel, and there is always the possibility your contractor may discover something during the remodel process that means you need to change your initial plans.

However, some innovative contractors offer 24-hour access to a free online system for you to monitor the progress of your remodel from home or afar, allowing you to view the building schedule, make selections, exchange messages, see photos, confirm payments, and more. This state of the art system offered by only a few contractors helps you to manage, organize and coordinate around your remodel with a great deal more ease and comfort.

With your remodel under way and under control, and a clear understanding of your remodel process, you can relax and actually enjoy the process of seeing your space gradually evolve into the transformation you have envisioned.