
So, What is Design Build?

Unlike the traditional remodeling setting, design build project delivery is where one entity handles both the design and build aspects of the job, encompassing all assets needed for that assignment. That means that the designer and contractor work together as one cohesive unit throughout the entirety of the project, from the start of the design phase to the completion of the construction phase.

The Design-Build process eliminates unnecessary aggravation and delays, streamlining the entire home building system. The team handles every aspect of your project, from concept to design, all the way through construction. Our team at Gordon Reese Design Build includes architects, designers, engineers, estimators, project managers, and general contractors engaged from the first meeting. As the single point of responsibility and communication for your custom remodel, we work together to ensure that your project vision comes to life on time and–most importantly–on a budget!

The Design Build Guide

The Design-Build process has five main phases:

  1. Selecting a Design-Build Contractor
  2. Pre-Construction Assessments
  3. Architectural Design
  4. Construction
  5. Post-Construction

But unlike other construction approaches, the phases overlap. All team members work in tandem throughout the process to execute rapid and exemplary project delivery.

Selecting the Design-Builder

The Design-Build route begins when you select your Design-Builder. Not every Design-Build contractor will have their methods match your needs, so it’s important to thoroughly research your options to find the best one for your unique project. In other approaches, you would start by selecting an architect or designer to sketch out plans for your project. To reduce the potential cost risks associated with having multiple entities design and construct your project, you may have a competitive bidding process from other Design-Builders to give you a better idea of the scope of work your project involves.


If you’re upgrading your current space, your Design-Builder will assess your home to identify the areas of need. These assessments define key parameters such as building codes and remodeling compliance requirements.

With all this critical information in mind, your project’s team partners with you to identify the design and construction program to help you achieve your goals within your budget and any time limits. The scope of your project is then set and creative solutions can start taking shape to help you finalize your unique vision.

Architectural Design

At this stage, the team has a solid understanding of your home and budget, project schedule, and your home’s architectural and mechanical requirements. Next, your construction team and project managers team up with the architectural group to engineer cost savings into the design.

This is where Design-Build differs from other building approaches. Architects can be employed directly by the Design-Builder, instead of being a separate entity from the team designated for your project. The Design-Builder can subcontract out specialty designs to trusted architectural design partners, saving you time and money on any potential redesign costs should you have gotten your plans from another designer.


Following on from architectural design, you’ll save more of your time, as you won’t need to select a contractor. In fact, your Design-Builder will start readying your home into your Job site. At the same time, design progresses, and elements of construction can begin during the design phase. By overlapping construction and design, your team can deliver a timely build that makes aggressive schedules possible.


Once your new or remodeled space is complete, your Design-Builder should provide a post-construction handoff that includes walk-throughs of the space and any items still needed to be completed at the time of walk-through. Don’t overlook the post-construction handoff, as it’s an integral part of any build. This ensures that you know what is covered in any potential warranties established by your Design-Builder, as well as what to expect after you move into your newly remodeled space.

Let’s Talk

If you choose the Design Build path, it’s critical that you select an honest and experienced designer you can trust. Here at Gordon Reese Design Build, we offer a free consultation to get you started towards remodeling your dream space. Let’s talk about it – call us at (925) 885-3770!