If you’re remodeling your home, you might be worried about dust. Learn about the most Dust During a Home Remodel, and how to prevent or lessen any damage.

Dust can be a major issue for health and well-being, particularly for those with allergies or pulmonary disease; unfortunately, it is an unavoidable aspect of home remodeling and construction. Dust released during demolition and reconstruction can be particularly hazardous as all sorts of nasty pathogens, chemicals, pest waste products, and mold can be stirred up in it during construction. If you want to prioritize your home’s cleanliness and safety during a remodel, you need to look at dust control measures to protect your living space, your family, and your pets. Here are a few ways how you can control dust during your remodel.


Ways on Controlling Your Dust During a Home Remodel

Choose a Dust Control Specialist Contractor

Home RemodelThe best way to limit and control dust in your home during a remodel is by choosing a contractor who specializes in dust-controlled construction. Using a combination of specialized tools, dust barriers, and dust filters, as well as focused construction techniques that limit dust, your skilled contractor can keep your home cleaner and safer both during and after your remodel. If you do plan to stay living in your home during a remodel, it’s even more essential that you choose an experienced contractor who specializes in remodel dust control. 90% of homeowners decide to stay in their homes during a remodel, yet many regret it. One of the main reasons for this is the sheer amount of potentially dangerous dust that’s trapped in your home, unavoidably released during a remodel. Choosing a contractor experienced with dust control means that hazardous particles like silica, mold, and pest particles are minimized in the most crucial stages of construction, keeping your living space safe.

Use Power Tools with Dust Extractors

One of the ways contractors can control dust during a remodel is with specially designed tools that have dust extractors built-in. These tools quickly suck up dust at the point of contact, not even giving dust particles a chance to float around your home or into your furnishings. These tools can remove up to 90% of dust generated, but it’s important to remember that not all devices used in remodeling are power tools, so note that other dust removal methods will be needed.

Implement Dust Barriers

Dust barriers are a fundamental and inexpensive way to protect your home from the spread of dust, usually fitted over openings and doorways around the space being worked on, trapping the dust inside and preventing it from traveling throughout your home. This should be the minimum level of protection that your contractor offers from remodel dust.  It’s also important to clarify with your contractor about how debris will be removed from your home, and what housekeeping efforts that will happen, in order to minimize dust movement on a day-to-day basis.

Capture Dust with Air Scrubbers

Some of the dust particles created during the remodel process are so fine that they immediately become airborne, remaining in the airspace of your home no matter how much surface cleaning you undertake. Air scrubbers or air filters pull in the dusty air and filter it, releasing clean, purified air back into your home. Build Clean air filters are one of the best home remodeling dust filter units, offering six times more filter area than other models, including 360 degrees of dust-catching. However, it’s not common to find contractors who do implement this high-quality dust removal technology, so be sure to ask your contractor about their dust removal methods before you sign a contract.

Choosing an experienced home remodeling contractor who prioritizes safe dust removal and dust control during a remodel can protect your family’s health and well-being, while also keeping your home clean and safe while living through a remodel.